LifeLoveLondon: September 2007

09 September 2007

whirliebird flight

For our 10th anniversary I bought 2 tickets for a helicopter flight over London, though we didn't take the flight until September. We took off from Kent but flew over south London to get to the river, along which we hovered before heading back south to Kent. We passed over many familiar places, including our current and previous homes, but we weren't able to get decent pictures of everything. Here are some of the better-known places you might recognize.

view from above Battersea

Parliament buildings and Square

Westminster and South Bank

Tower of London

Canary Wharf & Greenwich Peninsula

David snatched most of these pics through shuddering windows on a less-than-clear day. I think he did a great job under the circumstances. If you want to see some spectacular views of London, visit the "BBC aerial photos of London " link to the right!