LifeLoveLondon: July 2007

22 July 2007

in The Glade

Near where Grandma (Dorothy) and Grandad (Ian) live in Sidcup, there is a lovely park called The Glade through which we walk on the way from the train station, or when G'ma takes them to feed the ducks, etc. Here are some of the treasures the boys and I found there recently.

21 July 2007


Still enjoying the drums from birthday!

And when we're out and about, anything that resembles drums or sticks is likely to get drafted into similar use!

18 July 2007

DLR to G'wich

In the last entry I mentioned the DLR-- Docklands Light Railway. Lewisham is currently the end of a DLR line. The next few stops include Deptford and Greenwich before it goes under the river and up into East London. We call it the "Little Train"-- as opposed to the "Big Train", which signifies longer journeys further into or out of London on ye olde British Rail system.

The boys like to watch the tracks as we pass over them.

On this day, we went to Greenwich. We stopped near the pier to eat our packed lunch. Solomon was trying to make Felix laugh. Felix was like, "Dude, you are crazy!"

Sol seems incapable of NOT pulling silly faces and/or gestures when a camera is out (and much of the rest of the time, come to think of it).

17 July 2007

wandering in Brookmill Park one day

The boys are starting to become friends. And they play together! Except, of course, when they are fighting...

Felix nearly always has at least one stone in his hand(s).

Solomon starts full-time nursery school in September. He'll move up to "reception" (kindergarten) in January.

And yes, he did wear this shirt a lot over the summer (what there was of it)!

15 July 2007

on a blustery day in Greenwich Park

Our boys enjoy a song with Taylor and Zoe Pressdee (who are also half UK, half USA).

Sticks and stones... are a boy's favourite toys, from what I can tell!

08 July 2007

People's Day, July 2007

People's day is an annual local event at Mountsfield Park in Lewisham, London.

After our encounter with a deft-handed make-up artist, we had a very happy Spider-Soli.

Felix, meanwhile, praised the powers that be for the providence of ice cream.

And Kori looked up and, behold, there approacheth the cider angel!

07 July 2007

escape of the parents

In July we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. David's parents had the boys for 3 days & 2 nights so we could get away and remind ourselves what it's like to have conversations with each other that don't revolve around lines such as "Where are the wipes?" "Have you fed the boys/cats/fish?" "Can you help him put his shoe on?"

This is where we stayed, on an unnamed road, in the garden of a large thatched cottage, with a long view over rolling hills to Arundel Castle. Great pub food in a nearby village, fanatstic Indian food in the next town. A bit of rain but lots of peace and quiet. Aaahhhh...

For more pics see

01 July 2007

on a blue-sky day

Mommy, what do clouds feel like?

Hm. What do YOU think they feel like, Soli?

uuuhh... soft. And fluffy.

And do you think they are ticklish?

Yes. Yes, they are.