LifeLoveLondon: March 2007

25 March 2007

Fledgeling Felix

After speed-walking through the beginning of the year, then stumbling in an effort to dash, Felix has finally figured out how to take flight of foot -- and off he goes! Now we're working on jumping, which demands his greatest concentration and some cute, funny faces.

This is one of those pictures that makes me think, "Is he this grown up already? But it was only yesterday he was a little wrinkly new thing..."

By the way, I don't suppose you'd guess that Felix is the child who actually sits still for a haircut! While Solomon screams and squirms (always has) and ends up with a decent look because of the way his plentiful straight hair falls, Felix remains calm, gets a nice even trim and a treat, and then a few days later looks like he's been involved in some sort of "Self-Coiffure for Children" event. I think it's something about the texture & direction of growth. What gives?

10 March 2007

Happy Feet

After 20 years of pain following an injury that didn't heal properly, months of waiting for surgery, and weeks with his foot and ankle in a scary contraption called a Taylor Spacial Frame (which really was rather impressive), we're all pleased and amazed at the success of Ian's treatment, which has rectified the angle of the ankle by fusing the tular and sub-tular joints. It really is a pleasure to see Ian able to walk and stand without pain in that ankle for the first time in 2 decades-- and it's a first for me, as I've only known him a little over half that time!

His grandchildren have wasted no time in forgetting to be gentle with Grandad's ankle!

01 March 2007

the march of toys of March

David recently bought a Nintendo DS, which has sucked him in to the world of a game called Animal Crossing. Solomon also likes to watch this. In fact, David has made a little Cyber-Soli to accompany his own Digital David on wee electronic adventures.

Lego is, as ever, a toy that I believe will outlast any higher-tech plaything. I am not, however, altogether convinced by Sol's attempt to demonstrate that Lego really can be cuddly, Mommy.