LifeLoveLondon: February 2006

21 February 2006

Big Bro Soli

Meanwhile, Soli has grown up a lot lately. He's had a LOT of hair cut off (That was not fun!), his speech has suddenly developed to include more vocabulary and parts of speach, AND he's given up riding in the double buggy. You can see his new mode of transport here. One day he just decided he would accept the Buggy Board, and we've never looked back. I am thrilled about now being able to fit through most doorways and to have less soreness from pushing that wide, heavy, but for 9 months indespensible, double-wide pushchair. We say "Aalll abooooard! Hold on tight!" and off we go.

On the day this pic was taken, Soli looked outside to see that it was raining. Excitedly but earnestly he reported, "I need to splash! I need get my willies (Wellies = galoshes) on!" So on went the rain gear and, true to his word, Sol had a lot of splashing in puddles to do on the way to and from Deptford. He's very thorough about this task, so I'm grateful for waterproof trousers!

February Felix

Many friends have been asking how Felix is getting on with his helmet. The answer is, "Just fine, thank you!" Here is first a pic of him during his helmet-free hour (during which time we clean the helmet and his head). During the other 23 hours a day, he looks more like the second picture. On Feb 20, he had his first helmet checkup. After 4 weeks, his head already is back to being deeper than it is wide, which is as it should be. The head is still slightly asymmetrical and has a lot of rounding-out to do at the back, but Doc was really positive about improvement and said he doesn't need to see us again for 8 weeks! We don't know how long treatment will last in full, but it will be several months at least before the back of Felix' head is actually round. We'll just have to wait and see!