LifeLoveLondon: hope in the rough

27 June 2007

hope in the rough

It's not been the easiest year, and we don't live in the easiest of places.

I like this picture of Felix sitting on a dirty old bench in a negligible, neglected, fenced-off public space on the way to Soli's school. It summarizes how I feel about the time and place in which it was taken. It's quite rough, plenty worn out, used (and maybe even appreciated by some, but not particularly well-cared for); yet the background ediface is potentially holy, if broken, and fronted by hope. hope. hope.

Stated thus (thrice), it is most hopeful. (In the Hebrew in which much of the Bible was originally written, comparative and superlative adjectival forms are lacking. So, the adjective is repeated: for example, good= good; better= good good; best=good good good.)

So sit down, eat your crisps, and trust the holy, holy, holy for the hope, hope, hope.


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