LifeLoveLondon: birthday boys

30 May 2007

birthday boys

The boys' birthdays are just 10 days apart. Solomon was a bit perturbed that his brother's birthday comes first in the month even though Felix is younger.

Felix was 2 years old on 150507:

All-singing, all-swaying Noddy doll was happily received!

Crane with magnetic ability to haul blocks was also a big hit.

On 250507, Solomon turned 4:

We made dozens of yummy frosted cupcakes for his party, but on his actual birthday Sol chose another cake from the supermarket. It actually tasted alright!

Sol sometimes plays with a tub of proper Lego at Grandma's house, but this is the first set he's been given for his very own. He and Daddy have since spent a whole afternoon putting it all together while Mommy distracted Felix with other play fare!

A day later, however, it was back to ye olde Mega-Blocks, seemingly constant occupier of the living room floor...

Soli had to wait a whole 9 days after his actual birthday to host his 4th birthday party, but a fun (though entirely unphotographed) time was had by all at the secret widlife centre at the top of Greenwich Park. For the story on this mysterious venue and my search for it, see


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