LifeLoveLondon: Felix Update

20 August 2006

Felix Update

By the way, you may have noticed that Felix is not wearing his helmet any longer. We had it off during several photo ops in USA becos he was getting so hot, but officially he stopped wearing it in June, when Dr. Blecher said it will no longer be effective since Felix is over a year old and the skull bones are by now hardened up. Felix' head is a much more pleasing shape after the treatment, but probably not exactly as it would have been had he not had brachycephaly to begin with.

Also, this little guy has been walking for a couple of weeks now, though it's only within the past week that toddling has taken over from crawling almost entirely. He was getting frustrated that he was the only one in the gang who wasn't bipedal; he's visibly much happier for this new development!


Blogger Unknown said...

He's so adorable! Way to go Felix! I've heard that soon after walking comes running - are you prepared? :)Loved reading up on your adventures in America and seeing the photos -- you all look great!

Love from NY!

2:00 PM  

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