LifeLoveLondon: Autumn is here

21 November 2006

Autumn is here

The fall 2006 installment of boy-in-a-bag:

In England, most children wear uniforms to school. Since Solomon is only in nursery (pre-school) at St. Stephen's, he is not required to wear one yet. However, a thoughtful friend has kindly lent Solomon a school shirt, which I actually had Sol wear the other day because his class went on a school trip to the National Gallery and I wanted to make it easier for the teachers to keep track of my contribution to their 40+ kids. If you've known me longer than two minutes you are probably aware of my disdain for school uniforms; if you like the look of a boy in (partial) uniform, look now, because this is not something you'll see often if I can help it!

With November come cold weather and more rain. Parks get muddy and windy; long walks lose their tendency to be altogether pleasant. So we look for indoor activities to keep children occupied. This is what happens when one leaves her children to take a phone call half way through getting them ready for bed...

Both of the boys seem to have shot up in height as well as speaking ability lately. Felix is a proper little boy now, no longer a baby-- though he still calls himself "beh-beh" in the mirror. Like his brother, he has taken to devouring apples, one of which he's clutching here.


Blogger Sarah Richardson said...

That is wonderful. I'm surprised they are both still alive after the bedtime chaos, not sure your nieces would have survived that little trick!!! Keep the pictures coming. Love to Soli and Felix from Aunty Sarah

10:18 PM  

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